

One of the things that’s amazing is how quickly we have given Jacob nicknames to describe his behaviors. One of the first was “Burrito Boy” in reference to the way he was swaddled and wrapped up like a Chipotle special. We’ve since gone down the road of “Urples” (from his cooing/crying), “Billy Goat” (from his “I’m annoyed with something” cry that sounds just like bleating), “Snurples” (Urples plus the snorting sounds he makes when rooting), and who knows what’s next.

He also has an ability to extend his cry over several seconds. I haven’t witnessed this one, but it was reported to be operatic in terms of breath control.

I just love it in the evenings when I’m holding him in our rocking chair in the living room. He’s usually asleep or getting there, and occasionally he’ll lift his head up, turn it slightly, open his eyes, and look at me with a “what was that again?” expression. It only lasts for about two seconds, then eyes close; head slumps; sleep renews.