2 replies on “change is good”

  1. Hey Kevin and Laureen! How’s the whole parenthood thing going for you? Jacob is very cute, amost as much as my niece, Jessica. Everything is good out here on the West Coast, I’m still gainfully employed (I’ve almost saved up enough money to buy a house in Texas) although I’ve started looking for another job. It feels like I’ve never quit, I guess that’s the nature of California existence.
    Is Jacob making friends with Eric and Analisa’s twins? Give them all my best, my thoughts are with you all.


  2. Heya Bill!

    Jacob is chronologically 3 months younger than Patrick and Catherine, but developmentally, he’s only about 2 months away. Those twins are cute! We have a picture with the three kids all together. Scary….

    Parenthood is a challenge, but Jacob is such a good kid, you hardly notice the rough times, like tonight, when he decided to stay awake through his nominal bedtime. The biggest fear you have is that you’re doing something wrong, especially when he cries and you can’t figure out what’s wrong….
    But the smiles in the morning are worth every ounce of trouble. The recognition in his face of "Daddy!" is more than enough. To see him bring joy to everyone around him is worth every crying fit.

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