A few things that have been on my mind

A few things that have been on my mind

One of these days, Credant will hire me.

One of these days, we’ll get the home equity loan.

Everything seems to be “one of these days” for me right now. I feel so frustrated trying to start anything because I’m never sure if it’s going to stick. So I do a little every day.

My mom and dad now go to a Disciples Heritage church, a group that has ostensibly broken away from the Disciples of Christ denomination to which I belong. I was reading some of the literature describing the reasons for breaking away from the disciples, and basically, it boils down to:

1. Homosexuality is bad.
2. Certain DoC congregations permit homosexuals.

This is all wrapped up in the codewords “liberal theology” and “biblical inerrancy,” and it drives me nuts. In Luke 6, Jesus stated pretty plainly: ?Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.?

So where’s the outrageous love that shocks the world? Where’s the eating with tax collectors? Where’s the healing the sick and poor? More people are turned off by Christians who judge others in any context, from Focus on the Family to Fred Phelps to goodness knows who else. We have entire subcultures of media devoted to preventing people from touching and encountering the real world, the one that looks at organized religion in any form and laughs at how farcical it’s become.

Sigh. I just had to write while it was on my mind.

3 replies on “A few things that have been on my mind”

  1. Not to make light of your words, but I think "Outrageous Love" would make a great bumper sticker philosophy.

  2. Rockwood has not broken away from the Disciples of Christ denomination, but is considering the move. There are more things behind the literature. It would be wise to do some thoughtful investigation beyond the literature you have just read. Many people have reported radical thoughts and unbiblical idologies coming from some seminaries. You are smart. Check it out. Love you, Mom (I’m not seeking to condem, just to love you more daily.)

  3. Hi, mom. No offense is taken by me. It’s just that disciples heritage seems to be mixing the two words: "evangelical" and "conservative". People are entitled to their belief, and the disciples of Christ as an organization focuses on local control. Congregations are free to do what they wish.

    As far as seminaries go, especially at Brite, there is a distinct move to make Brite a seminary in the category of Harvard or Princeton, not just bound and affiliated with one religion. Even TCU no longer goes by Texas Christian University. I read through the DHF websites and was taken aback by it, because of two main points:

    1. DHF is based on biblical inerrancy. I have issues with that.
    2. DHF seems to only be reaching to those of like mind instead of constructing dialogue and building bridges.

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