Tired of giving?

Tired of giving?

I wanted to explore something that’s been going on in my head for a while. I was wondering if we as a country are tired of giving to causes by now. We had Hurricane Katrina, then Hurricane Rita. There’s also a ton of smaller-scale things that want/need money to survive (Crop Walk was this past week, did you contribute to a walker?), but I’m wondering if we’re just not tired of it yet. We’ve had the massive concerts already, we’ve had the massive efforts by faith-based organizations (who have to do the work because the federal government is completely inept at that good old “we the people” concept of “promote the general welfare” and “secure the blessings of liberty”), and we’ve had the local efforts of many, many people, some who just may not have more to give.

I know it’s Biblical to give, but does the Bible ever address when you give too much? The rich man was counseled to sell all of his possessions and give the money to the poor. How would that happen in our lives today?

I ask this while staring at the SECOND fund-raiser from Zion Lutheran School in Dallas, where Laureen teaches and Jacob goes. They’re selling passbooks. Joy. This isn’t the school, though; it’s the booster club. If you’re asking what the difference is, so am I.

One reply on “Tired of giving?”

  1. Yeah, I believe there is a scripture that says not to give if your heart isn’t in it. That was one of our recent sermons out here.

    I’ve actually been selling the majority of my possessions to fund my new book (when I do get to the point of publishing that is). I’m actually going to sell the copies and donate the proceeds to charity instead of just giving them away this time. But that’s a long way off.

    Glad to see the more frequent posting, btw.

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