Another entry from the really tired

Another entry from the land of the really sleepy

Well, we close Friday on the houses. We then turn into renters, albeit for free for about a month.

Right now, I can’t bring myself to do work. I’m coming down with a cold, and it’s proceeding to kick me in the proverbial teeth. I’m pretty sure I have a fever, a sore throat, and just general misery, but work doesn’t stop, especially since this is another hard week. We’re trying to release a new version of software to the market, but it’s not going particularly easily, mostly due to the scope of changes made from the prior version. Of course, we have to get this version out. Have to. Our revenue targets for the year (and the company’s growth) pretty much depend on it.

We’ve started the big “pack everything” push. Laureen’s taking the lead on it, thank God. I don’t think I have the brain cells or at least the energy today to do it.