The move

The move

First off, thanks to Janet, Darrell, Larry, Melinda, Frank, and my parents for helping us begin the move this past weekend. My dad especially put in a ton of effort, and it isn’t going unnoticed.

How it’s looking: we’re getting there. The majority of the boxes in the garage and attic have been transferred to the new house. We have a lot of empty boxes and junk in the attic that needs to be tossed out, and that should happen this evening. Dad got started with shredding a bunch of old receipts and financial documents, and that will continue hopefully tonight.

We moved a lot of the furniture from the downstairs bedroom over yesterday. We only have the file cabinet left to do, and there’s probably going to be a discussion as to where it should go. The bed is going to Darrell’s house after he finishes sanding/scraping/refurbing his floor, so that’s taken care of.

As far as the upstairs rooms go, there are three areas of “concern” as far as I’m concerned:
Getting the snoopy mobile fan down.
Getting the upstairs closet top shelf cleaned off.
Getting the under-the-sink stuff out from the bathroom.

I’m also moving the computer over tonight. We’re going to be without high-speed connections for a while, simply due to the fact that we live in area serviced by what I’m believing is an inept company, Verizon. Basically, we need to save money on internet connectivity, so going to DSL would be a good thing for us, since cable internet is roughly $58/month. There’s no cable line run to the house right now, so we’d wind up spending around $60 to have a line fished to where we want the modem to go. SBC is promising that DSL will be available in our area in January. Verizon can’t tell me when DSL will be available, stating that they don’t release timelines for business and competitive reasons. What I’d like is FIOS, but that’s Verizon again, and they won’t be able to tell me when. A phone call said that “you’ll know when they start digging up your street.” Sigh. So, if I’m going to switch to DSL in January anyway, I don’t want to pay the extra $10/week premium that running the cable line would cost me. So, it looks like we’ll be taking advantage of those 985 hours free discs for dialup for awhile for Laureen’s computer.

The good news is, I found the Windows XP disc, so I can resurrect the home computer. No telling how much stuff I’ve lost, but hopefully we’ll be able to piece it all back together eventually.

We’re hiring 3 guys for 2 hours this Saturday. They’ll be coming over to move certain heavy stuff: fridges, piano, our bed from upstairs, plus whatever else needs to be done. I’m hoping they’ll be able to move what little yard ornamentation we have over as well. The hammock stand, the compost tumbler (yes, we have a compost tumbler. No, I don’t know when the last time was that we used it), etc…. It’s all gotta go.

We’ve had some interesting experiences dealing with the previous owners. They’re nice people, but my impression is that the two of them need to communicate more and present a unified front in their dealings. They asked if we wanted the couch. We said, “call us with a price.” We don’t hear from them, and when we call them back, the story is that “well, we didn’t hear from you, so my nephew’s coming to pick it up.” We also thought we had an agreement about the lawn furniture in the back yard, but that was the husband making a deal without talking to his wife first. I don’t have a problem with that, but it just makes it a bit harder to plan.

The kitchen is almost completely packed, except for the dishes that were in the dishwasher. That’s a good thing, simply because we have plates to eat on 🙂

Jacob’s room isn’t packed yet. The master bath needs to have it’s shelves and drawers excavated. We also need to move the junk that’s stacked in the tub. We need to move clothes over. We also need to measure the hanging rods in the new place to see how to make things fit. We need to clear out the guest bathroom downstairs as well. We need to remove the babyproofing from the kitchen, especially on the now-empty shelves. I don’t know how easy it is to remove Tot-Loks and replace them in a new place, but I’m certain I’ll find out.

Mom had food poisoning Saturday, but by Sunday she felt well enough to come back out and be the figure in charge of His Highness.

Poor Jacob. He hasn’t been sleeping well, and I think (well, Laureen thinks, and I trust her opinion) that a lot of it has to do with the change going on around him. His toys are now split between the two locations, so he at least has play stuff wherever he goes.

We’ll be taking the second Cyberball over to Ft. Worth to its new owner on Wednesday. We’re also probably picking up a couch at that time. I don’t really know. We must bring Jacob. Not bringing him is Not An Option (thus sayeth the grandparents).

Onward and upward.

One reply on “The move”

  1. You’d better believe that His Higness comes! The world would stop turning if we didn’t get every opportunity to have a Jacob fix!

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