Yeah, it’s been nearly a month

Christmas has come and gone, but instead of some pithy ramblings about life (like I’m wont to do on more somber occasions), I’ll share something with you:

I cried yesterday.

I don’t normally cry, even though I am a sensitive new-age guy. I normally hold things in and wait until my stomach dissolves into puddles of acid before admitting that there’s something on my mind. But I cried yesterday, because our second child became very, very real to us.

Laureen had a Level 2 ultrasound, so we traveled to Hello, Frisco! to the doctor’s office for it. We get in, wait a goodly long time, but then we see the baby…

It wasn’t a 3-D ultrasound, which I’ve heard is very nifty, but you could see brain lobes, the cerebral cortex, the valves of the heart… everything to indicate that this child was healthy.

And we also found out it’s going to be a girl.

That’s why I cried. Tears of joy, right there in the medical pavilion’s parking lot. This new child finally became real to me, more so than when Laureen first told me she was pregnant.

The rest of the day wasn’t pleasant, due to some unhappiness in my stomach, but as far as I was concerned, everything’s great.

Jacob’s still doing well. He’s being a superboy right now, and also a toddler. He’s started random tantrums if he doesn’t get his way… Just wait it out, deny the attention he wants, and he returns to normal in about 10 minutes.

Chuck – thank you so much for the Starfarers game! That was totally unnecessary, but we’re going to enjoy figuring it out tonight.

Okay, I’m wiped out. Been a long day getting back into the work grind, and I’m sleepy. Gotta get home.

And now I find some jerk posting ads in my comments. They’ve been deleted, but I want to go blow up some sites now….

3 replies on “Yeah, it’s been nearly a month”

  1. Hey Congrats! I haven’t been in KoL in a while and thought I’d check to see how you’re doing. Looks like you’ve had a busy year! Congrats on the upcoming baby girl – when’s the due date? Jacob is getting so big! Sarah is 2 years old and 1 month already – I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. I can definitely relate to the temper tantrums, and we have found out that asking if she wants "time out" is a great parent tool to stop the tantrums! : ) Take care and hope all goes well with the new home.

  2. Ooops, I forgot to mention that I love this picture! Jacob vs. the plane is brilliant, lol. : )

  3. Mucho mega congrats… I’m placing my bets on Jacob… that 777 is toast after he gets done with it!

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