another update

Yup. Been a while. We’ve been busy.Jacob caught his first ear infection last week. Joy. I’ve been sick more weekends than not, and something finally waylaid Laureen, even though she finally kicked the nagging cough.

Jacob has a lovey now, a blue dog carpet/towel thing that was a gift from our church baby shower. He wrestles it on the floor, takes it everywhere, etc.

Baby names: yeah, we have a name, but we’re keeping it to ourselves for a bit still. It’s a matter of deciding if that’s what we want it truly to be or not. No hints, either.

I’m trying to figure out what I should do to exercise. I’m not a big fan of aerobics, but I need to do something like it. Suggestions gladly taken.

The other upcoming concerns are getting Jacob to go to sleep without our being there. He slept through the night for the first time in a while, but he still needs someone to hold on to him. We have to break that dependency before the new child arrives. Jacob also needs to go to sleep without us around.

A bigger concern is the lack of options we have for taking care of Jacob when the time comes to go to the hospital. If she should come early, we don’t know who we could ask (or should ask) to help us.