Health or lack thereof

Tough times at the Jones house. Laureen’s arguably the strongest of the three of us. Jacob’s “only” cutting a molar right now, and he just got his ibuprofen after a mad screaming fit. Sigh.

Me? Oh, let’s see…. Doctor’s appointment. Blood draw. Throw up during blood draw. Tech has to do two sticks to find a vein. Go to hospital, chest x-ray for cough that isn’t any better. Get that done, go to work. Faint at work (at desk). Go home. Faint upstairs in bed. Time passes….

Watch end of Survivor with Laureen. Start coughing fit. Realize I fainted again, although this time without breathing. Apparently, Laureen says I resemble a red-faced chipmunk when I faint, complete with paw-spasms…

Can’t take cough medicine (“USING MORE THAN THE RECOMMENDED DOSAGE WILL CAUSE SERIOUS BREATHING PROBLEMS” Great. Just. Great.), so I’m sitting up here, praying to God for strength and peace because I’m feeling lousy and don’t know why.
