Health, Wealth, and Wisdom

Well, I went and worked out today. Did 30 minutes of walking, then attempted to use the weight machines to work on my shoulders and arms. This is the first time going to a gym in quite some time, and it’s been an experience. This entire month has been a revelatory process for me; I’ve seen more doctors this month than in quite some time.

I’m still on high blood pressure and high cholesterol meds from my regular doctor.

I now take allergy shots, since the number of things I’m allergic to has doubled in 3 years.

I now slather my ankles and feet with creams to stop the eczema that’s been with me since high school.

And I’m finally starting to exercise. And I’m trying to go without sodas today to see if I can do it. If I can (so far, results are positive), I’ll try to ease them out of my life. A blurb in Gourmet magazine noted that Americans get 14% of their daily caloric intake from sodas, and I’m no exception. I’d be happy if I lost 14% of my weight just through a small eating modification.

So, in short, we’re working on it.