The big update

It’s been a while since I wrote on the blog. Life has kept us rather busy. In short:

Jacob turned 3 yesterday. He has new pictures in the webgallery links for April 2007. The pictures are now reasonably sized.
Jessie is going through a fussy stage–teeth hurt, tummy hurts, doesn’t want anyone but mama. She’s still precious, though.

I had a trip to the ER for what was ultimately a virus. It wasn’t fun.

Laureen is now a Mary Kay consultant. Yes, she still doesn’t wear makeup.

Some precious sayings:

Jacob, on waking up and seeing Laureen walk in to the room: “Hi Laureen, it’s so nice to see you.”

Jacob, on writing a thank you note to his friend: “Dear Christian, thank you for the Bob the Builder and Gobots and puzzle. Love, Jacob.”

Jacob’s given up pacifiers. We did a reconsideration and gave him the option of borrowing one of Jessie’s for bedroom use only (apparently, some kids just aren’t ready to give it up until they’re four), but he was pretty adamant about not wanting it.

Depression: it’s still there. I’m trying a new medicine, at least.

That’s about it for now. I’ve got to sleep.