A long update

Let’s see, where to begin:

Jacob has a rare blood disorder called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Roughly translated, that is “We don’t know why his platelet count drops and causes bruises.” It only happens when he gets a virus, but he really bruises easily, and we have to watch for possible head bumps. The gist of it is that his immune system kicks in to take out the virus but also attacks his platelets as well, thus causing bruises and petechiae on his skin.

You wouldn’t know it by the look of him, though. He’s a boy, and he runs and plays as hard as ever.

Jessie’s gone from doing the equivalent of the Michael Jackson in Thriller “Step step step swagger fall” to preferring to walk around the house. This gives her access to all sorts of new things she shouldn’t be playing with, especially Jacob’s toys.

About two weeks ago, I was in a car accident. A driver pulled out in front of me, and I swerved to avoid T-boning them. Bent the frame of the Saturn, causing $2K worth of damage. I was unhurt, just mad that the other driver took off without stopping.

Work is difficult right now. We’re in the “gotta get the product out the door” mode, and that means stress, long hours, and other et ceteras. But I’m a team lead, which means I’ve got four people under me. This is a good thing as I’m learning new skills.

I just want to know where this girl’s parents failed her.

Laureen’s Mary Kay business is doing OK. I ran into this website called Pink Truth that basically is very Anti Mary Kay, largely on the basis of money (it’s an MLM, etc.). Well, while turning a profit would be nice, I’m not supporting Laureen solely because of it. I don’t dream of fantastic riches, nicer cars and the like. L. is learning quite a bit about leadership, and that’s always good. If you’re interested in cosmetics, check her site out.