Money and the lack thereof

It’s somewhat sobering to try to rectify 14 years of bad habits. We’ve overextended ourselves big time on credit, and as a result, we’re trying to pay with cash (or check) for everything. Of course, this has its limitations, namely, when you realize you probably have enough money to cover the checks you just wrote, but nothing more…

Am I happy about it? No. Am I doing something about it? Yes.

In other news, I’ve been promoted to Manager at work. This doesn’t mean much in the short term, but it does give a nice bullet point on the resume and allows me access to jobs that would have previously been unavailable. Now I just have to act like a manager.

I’m pretty sure I’m fighting depression, but I’m not sure if I’m winning. I’m trying to change everything at once, and I feel like I can’t afford to make a mistake.