That VBS Spirit Oh Yeah

Greetings and salutations, one and two (the approximate number of people who read this). It’s another exciting week in the Jones household. Saturday and Sunday, preparing for Vacation Bible School at our church occupied Laureen for most of those two days. She built a pretty cool 11-foot high square pyramid (8-ft in length per side) and sewed tulle fabric around it. I really should take a picture, but since I’m at work, I can’t, really.Laureen got home sometime rather early this morning (2 to 3 a.m.). Apparently, sewing the pyramid has been a tougher experience than originally planned.

Me, I’m just grunt labor on this trip. Carry cardboard. Carry flowerpots. Paint flowerpots. Thump chest. Sweat buckets.

I’ve been attempting to get my medicine straight for a while now. I feel somewhat disconnected with everything at the moment — kinda like there’s another person who I have a semblance of control over, but it doesn’t feel solid. If I stop typing or moving something around, my hands start shaking. That’s not good when typinjg (see?).

I’d like to thank Chris and Lisa Wright for their cookies yesterday. Yum. Chocolatey mess.

Gotta run. The fire, it is growing larger and larger…


One reply on “That VBS Spirit Oh Yeah”

  1. The pyramid is very cool. Mikey has been having the time of his life at VBS and spending his afternoons at the Jakubiks.

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