Where The Words Come From

Jacob’s been a talkative four year-old lately. Notable moments:

“Yippee-ki-yo-ki-yay.” We’re not sure where that came from. Hopefully not a Bruce Willis movie.

He went with my mom and dad to Central Market this past Saturday where they had a Celtic rock band of some sort. No, it wasn’t Slade for the two of you familiar with Celtic rock and roll. He had to go to the bathroom, so my mom took him. He did his business (at which he’s been very good lately, hardly wetting his pants at all), and then my mom said she needed to go to the bathroom. Jacob turns his back to her, stretches out his hands to the side, and announces: “I am a privacy expert!”

Sunday night was odd. Jacob came home asleep and essentially slept from 4:30 p.m. til 11 p.m. He then came into our room full of life, announcing that he was awake because his toenails were too long. Laureen sent him back to his room with green beans, popcorn, and Cars. This morning, he wound up in bed with us. I’m not entirely sure how he got there, but our bed was the happening destination.

Jessie’s talking a lot more, although it’s all mostly one-syllable words. “Yes” and “No” are big players. Occasionally, we’ll get an “I”, “love”, “you!”

What’s amazing is how much she adores Jacob and parrots a lot of what he does. I didn’t expect that to happen, but I’m thankful it is.