
Sorry it’s been a while since I posted last.The world has spun on its axis; time has passed; I had to renew the domain names before someone took them, etc.

Update: the big decisions in our life now are where to send the kids to school next year. Jacob’s technically going to be out of kindergarten. Laureen wants to homeschool him. I’m somewhat uncomfortable with it, but I can deal with that.

The bigger issues are financial. Nothing new there. I still am employed, and for that, I’m thankful. I know there are other jobs out there, but this downturn in the economy has made everything that much more difficult.

I’m mostly just trying to stay focused, even though the depression meds aren’t doing as much as they could. I’m in the process of switching to a different psychiatrist, one on our insurance plan. There’s a little known fact about mental health professionals: the really good ones stop taking insurance after a while, simply because the paperwork’s not worth it.

I’ve been doing some more writing and I’m coming up against the hard questions about how to effectively tell a story. Every time I’ve written up until now, it’s been more of a seat-of-the-pants type of thing. I can write a lot extemporaneously on things, but if you told me to craft a tale, I’d struggle. I *am* struggling.

The kids are great. Laureen’s great. Part of the decision for next year involves whether she’ll teach Spanish again at Zion. If she teaches there, then the kids will have to go there, and we got a break on tuition this year that won’t happen next year, and…. it’s a mess.

But I still feel hopeful, in spite of my internal organs wanting to squash it out of me.