They call me Kevin, Kevin, Kevin…

Something non-war related

1. Thursday marks 10 years of marriage for Laureen and me.

2. I’m still ridiculously in love with her.

3. I have no clue why she puts up with some of the stupid things I do (no, I won’t elaborate on that).

We went and saw Blue Man Group at Nextstage last night. That was a great show. Battling LED signs, embarrassed audience members, a camera peering into a guy’s mouth (thank God he’d brushed his teeth). The only major disappointment was the vapidity of the second act. They were a group called venushum. It was two guys and a female singer. The gentleman on the left had two keyboards in front of him. One of them was the bass “let’s see if we can make the walls shake” setting. He used it. A lot. The guy on the right (introduced as “Tony Miracle”) had two keyboards, a Mac powerbook that seemed to be running all of the actual music, and a guitar that he cradled in his arms like a newborn baby while he was playing it. The lead singer’s voice could be best described as “I haven’t quite gotten out of the teenage angst mode of wailing words when actual lyrics might have made a better impact.”

Techno music. Slow techno music, not fast enough to exercise to, not slow enough to be decently danceable. Lots of wailing. WOOOOOAAAAOAOAOOAAOAOAOOAAOAOAA. That type of thing.

The lead singer’s movements consisted of sort-of-dancing. She looked pretty much out of place. They had pretty pictures of a hummingbird on the screen.

BMG were incredible. If you get to see Complex, go and see it. You will not be disappointed. Visit Exhibit 13 before you go.

Rock movement #43943: The fawning praise on blogs around the world.

A few sites to keep momentum going:

Ralph Nader gets revenge for the pie in the face
Last words from plane crashes. Train-wreck fascination. I couldn’t help but read some of the transcripts.

Have a good day, eh?

One reply on “They call me Kevin, Kevin, Kevin…”

  1. Happy anniversary! Congratulations on being one of those rare couples who is actually keeping their wedding vows.

    P.S. – We had such a great time with you guys at the BMG concert. Thanks for letting us tag along!!

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