Working on the Weekend – Family Edition

This has already been a busy week around our house. A good friend came over today and helped fix/maintain/improve our sink. It’s amazing how much stuff is seemingly obvious to a man with a wrench, but oh so carefully and thoughtfully hidden to a man who isn’t looking. A small water leak caused a tremendous amount of corrosion around the bolts holding the sink in place. The danger would be if left unchecked, the entire faucet would fall over into the sink basins.

So, I’m thankful for the help with that. It’s much, much cheaper to have a friend who knows what they’re doing than to hire a professional. Unless, of course, your friend actually doesn’t know what they’re doing. I lucked out.

Where I didn’t luck out was staying away from the office this weekend. We have an intermediate deadline coming up on the 9th, and because of that, I was in yesterday and today, trying to make things just so for our customer. Meanwhile, Laureen and the kids went to Oklahoma to visit my grandmother and her husband. The kids had a great time; they went to feed ducks, played on playgrounds (including some on which I’d played on in my youth, and got to visit some Clydesdale horses. Jacob looked up at one of them, saw it’s size and exclaimed, “that’s one big eating machine!”

Onward and upward we go.