Another day

Another day

Lazing around the house today, at least until we get up and go to church to do stuff. All of this weekend seems to be mildly busy, but not ridiculously so. Unless, of course, we account for Labor Day. Really, who came up with the idea for a holiday that celebrates working? Except for the former communist states that did most of their celebrating on May 1, I can’t think of any other nation that would dedicate a day of relaxation to a year’s worth of work.

Everything’s been going pretty well the past couple of days. Not perfect, mind you, but pretty well all the same. I have been restarting an old novel idea that I came up with about 4 years ago, so of course I won’t tell you what it’s about just yet. Suffice to say that it’s a warped world loosely based on our original (that sounds like most sequels…).

Perhaps I’m just being foreboding, but something big is going to happen soon in our lives. Right now, not much is going on besides “the usual” — church, work, home, but I think I have a reason for feeling this way. Every time I read news headlines, there’s chaos in this world. Going past the subject of Iraq, you have North Korea and Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Not to be left out, Pakistan and India both have nuclear capabilities as well. All around this world, the potential for violence has increased dramatically, or at least my sense of being afraid of it has.

Nothing has happened yet, and that’s still a good thing. Tomorrow, of course, is another day, so we’ll just wait and see.

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