Our Alma Mater, We Will Cheer

This one’s primarily for my high school acquaintances/friends/”I recognize your name”s.
Backstory: My mom teaches in EMS ISD. She’s been there 25 years. This year, she’s retiring. So is Mr. Shipp. Every year, they have an awards ceremony to honor the teachers in various ways: teacher of the year, five years of service, etc.

I came to the retiree page, and this disturbed me so much I had to post about it.

If you are seeing this, please visit https://lopeyland.com
EM-S ISD retiree page

Please note: I’ve already talked to the person responsible for it, and they’ve taken the heat for it, but it saddens me that this was presented to a gathering of EDUCATORS. HOLY FREAKING PROOFBALLS this is atrocious.

Okay, that’s out of my system.