Things I have collected, now and in the past

As a borderline obsessive-compulsive collector of, well, things, I feel it is time to admit some of the things I have collected, now and in the past. Shame is only in hindsight.

National Lampoon magazines.
Ren and Stimpy episodes.
Animaniacs cartoon episodes.
Gilmore Girls episodes (current)
7th Heaven episodes (current)
Nigella Bites episodes (if the blasted EEEEE! network would just run the show instead of the occasional episode)
Cirque du Soleil: The Fire Within episodes (current)
Peanuts pocket-sized paperback books.
Bloom County anthologies.
Doonesbury anthologies.
Foxtrot anthologies.
Rose is Rose anthologies.
The Neighborhood anthologies.
Adam anthologies.
(gee, is there a, oh, I don’t know, PATTERN here?)
Shoe anthologies.
Get Fuzzy anthologies.
Garfield anthologies (although I believe every single action that garfield could do has been repeated 20 times over).
Far Side anthologies.
David Foster Wallace novels.
David Sedaris novels.
Neal Stephenson novels.
Games magazines.
John Shelby Spong essays and books.
State quarters.
Computer games involving sports not commonly played in America (rugby, cricket, Aussie Rules Football, etc.)
Gaelic sporting event (hurling in particular) videos.
Trivia about this world.
Flying Karamazov Brothers performances.

One reply on “Things I have collected, now and in the past”

  1. This is an amazing collection of stuff. Has your foundation cracked under the tremendous weight? Where do you put your stuff when your not using it? If you could build a house out of all your stuff, would you be able to fill it with more stuff later?

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