another day again


I’d like to take the opportunity to inform you that I’ve made the decision
to extend the UAT Consultant contracting job to you. I’ve turned in your
name to our Procurement team who will proceed with acquiring the necessary
signatures to get you on board. You might want to follow up on your end but
I’ve been assured we’ll be moving the process along as quickly as possible.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Damian Merrick
CS Technology – Maintenance,
Implementation & Training Development

5 replies on “another day again”

  1. OH Kev! I’m so happy for you bro! We need to celebrate. This is truly a prayer answered for many of us.

  2. WORD UP! Way to go. Kickass and all that. Seriously, you deserve all the best, and this is a step in the right direction.

    Now save up them pennies for your trip to beautiful southern Maine! (current temp -5, wind chill -30 – that’s brisk, baby!)

  3. I hope that you have followed up on the job invite. and let us know if the the doc. can help about the fainting, !!!!!!IDEA!!!!!!!!!
    Go see a person or doctor that can put you under a spell……… You know I just can’t spelll it.A hippo who I guess.Later with love Dad

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