Insurance woes

Insurance woes
It just keeps getting better with our insurance situation.
We decided to switch to GISD’s benefits after mine expired thinking that it would be cheaper than COBRA. Well, as it turns out, it is cheaper, but the benefits are really, really bad. So, we decided to try and switch to COBRA so that Laureen could actually have Jacob in the hospital. In the meantime, I went to the doctor and used the insurance card. We also filled two prescriptions for Laureen. The total benefit we’ve received from GISD so far is a grand total of $33.11 (yes, we added it up). Here’s the fun part: Laureen can’t really use GISD’s benefits to help with Jacob, but she can use the pre-existing condition to take advantage of COBRA benefits. I can’t use COBRA, because it immediately becomes invalid once I’m on another insurance plan (such as…GISD)! So we’re screwed in terms of insurance. We can’t get out of GISD because it’s a pre-tax benefit and the IRS comes into play. So we’re stuck until Jacob’s born, and even then, we’ve got coverage questions about who can be covered on what. This is about the time I start really kicking myself for even bothering to get in with GISD’s coverage in the first place. We thought that it would cover Jacob’s birth more than $500, but no….
There are just some times when words aren’t able to express what the heart feels. I don’t know how to describe the distinct amount of frustration I’m feeling with the entire setup, and I’m just not sure what to do.

3 replies on “Insurance woes”

  1. It is much wiser to realize that none of what our hearts feel was ever meant to be oversimplified into a word.

  2. So it sounds like Cobra will cover the pregnancy? If that’s true, that’s a good thing. Usually employers will only let you change insurance stuff during the enrollment period, except if there are "life changing" events…..birth, death, marriage, divorce or change in spouse’s employment status. Sometimes the trick to crappy insurance is figuring out how to get the best out of it. Figure out what your network is …..Make sure your doctors are on it and you use the right pharmacy and labs.
    I’m sorry this has been so worrisome for you guys, but it will resolve and will be ok. May be a little poorer. Ultimately, Jacob will be here and it’ll all be worth it.

  3. Cobra is allowing us to continue Laureen’s coverage because of the pre-existing condition clause.

    This makes some sort of sense.

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