School Education

School Education

It’s amazing how out of touch some people can be. Take for example our secretary of education, Mr. Rod Paige. He decides to call the NEA a terrorist organization and now is having to explain himself. His critique is that the NEA goes against the wishes of many teachers when it comes to accountability, etc. Of course, the NEA seems to have quite a bit to say on the subject of accountability and other activities related to teaching. Check them out here.

Eliot Soloway once labeled the No Child Left Behind act for what it really is: No Child Left Untested. It’s amazing to think that schools and teachers are held accountable for what students (who may or may not take an active role in the learning process) learn. Seeing Laureen teach a bunch of kids who don’t give a rat’s behind about learning is frustrating, especially when it comes review time. “Did you engage the kids?” “Well, no. I’m not on TV, I don’t talk about drugs, sex, or money, and I don’t associate with gangs, so no, I didn’t immerse myself in these kids’ lives in order to teach them the quadratic equation.”


One reply on “School Education”

  1. I think I’ve caught something from you through some sorta air-osmosis. I almost fainted in class today, just out of nowhere like. Luckily I didn’t, but I’d like to know anything you might know about the typical causes of fainting just in case.

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