The 800 miles story

It’s not that complicated, honestly. Laureen had an event at her director’s home in Austin in early September. Of course, when the home is in the million-dollar range, that makes it rather unique. We left Friday, driving the 315 miles from Dallas to Austin, arriving rather late Friday night (or even Saturday morning). We stayed …

Rockin’ the Workout

I’m starting the third week of team training. It looks like I’ve lost about 15 pounds so far. However, I still always look for the closest parking spot to the front door of the gym. Some things don’t change. Thanks Eric and Analisa for letting us stay over! We had fun.

Feeling Better, Then Just Feeling It

If you haven’t stopped by Lopey’s Links yet, you’re missing my sad attempt at making a clone with other “somewhat interesting but probably only to me” links. But I’m happy with it, and it keeps me out of trouble. This is the second week of my weight management/exercise program. It’s interesting. I’m on essentially …

Okay, this confuses me

Check out that sign As the entry tag on states: “After your kid fails the minimum skills assessment, a sign reading “Let are kids walk” is probably not going to convince the school he/she should walk for graduation.” Now admittedly, I’ve got tons of issues with standardized, mandatory assessments. They have encouraged new generations …

Pigdin English vs. Ebonics… where’s the line?

I’ve gotten into the lolcats thing lately. See I Can Has Cheezburger for examples of this, but looking at some of the examples, most noticeably the walrus with bucket theme, I got to wondering whether these unintentionally cross the line of being offensive to African Americans. I asked a co-worker about this, and their response …

Some idle thoughts about significance

I’m involved in a study at our church called the “Search for Significance”. It’s an interesting way to reexamine life, especially from the perspective of all of the lies that we tell ourselves. Tonight’s lie was “When I do something wrong, I blame myself and am not worthy of love.” Some friends and I discussed …

What’s the next big question

What’s the next big question? Well, taxes are done. Yuck. I knew I’d owe money. Not a *big* deal, but it’s still pretty large. Oh, well, that’s why we got the loan… Thinking about getting into a heavier writing phase lately. There’s something in me that wants to write, but I can’t come up with …