What’s left to do

What’s left to do

1. Pay April Bills.
2. File Income taxes.
Note: I hate the tax season. I’ll like it a lot next year, when I’ve got a bouncing baby deduction, but for now, grumble grumble grumble.
3. Get Laureen packed up for hospital.
4. Get the cable modem moved to the other room.
5. Wire the TV in the other room.
6. Help Charlie with whatever he needs help with.

Oh, this is the first I’ve mentioned Charlie. He’s actually a former boss of mine who needed a place to stay for a tiny bit of time. So, he called us, and we had a spare bed. So far, all is decent. Yes, there’s a lot more to the story than I’m telling here, but I like a mystery.

7. Do laundry, repeat ad infinitum.
8. Do dishes, repeat ad infinitum.
9. Wait for the day.
10. Wait for the hour.
11. Reread the pregnancy book for the key things I need to know.
12. Make the CD for Laureen for the hospital.

Anyone have music suggestions?

13. Wonder about the meaning of it all.

Hey, the list is down significantly from the last list I made.

3 replies on “What’s left to do”

  1. After they started the induction, I came back with a friend and we managed to put it all together in the nick of time. Turns out we didn’t use half of the stuff in the bag, and "Twist and Shout" isn’t the best choice for relaxation….

  2. He is a beautiful boy! I enjoyed seeing him the other day when you came by to see Mikey. Hope Jacob is getting less yellow. Mikey was a little jaundice when he was a baby, too.

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