Birth Announcement

Birth Announcement

Jacob Carl DeWayne Jones came and joined this world on a very Good Friday, 4/9/04, at 1:44 a.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 14.6 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. For the fan of the metric, that’s 4.040 kg. He is doing wonderfully. Laureen is doing well, although she’s starting to realize the value of pain medication after a 2nd degree tear. The birth was natural with no epidural, although Laureen did take some narcotic to help her rest between contractions. We’re all bonding pretty well right now, but as for me, there’s nowhere near enough words to express the love I feel for this child–the way he falls asleep in my arms when I rock him; the way he cries like a little billy goat when something isn’t to his liking; the cute little nicknames he’s already earned (“Burrito Boy”).

I’ll write more later about the experience. Oh yes, there will be pictures.

For anyone keeping track, I didn’t faint, even when I saw the real placenta.