The question of war with Iraq

This entry is primarily to get responses from people, so please use the comments link. I’m somewhat troubled by our rationale for going to war with Iraq. Perhaps it’s just that I don’t understand it. Are we fighting because they’ve violated U.N. security council resolutions? Are we fighting because they’re clever enough to be able to move any suspected weapons far enough underground or on vehicles such that U.N. weapons inspectors won’t find them?

I don’t understand why, since America has been reluctant to be the world’s policeman in such places like Kosovo and sub-Saharan Africa, we should be gung-ho to go to war with someone we know we could easily beat. “He may be developing chemical weapons.” Okay, he may well be, but most countries around the world have the knowledge and ability to produce the stuff, even the United States. I want to look past rhetoric and find real reasons for this war before I’ll support it.

A funny album: Spoofernatural by Apologetix. Worth a listen.

2 replies on “The question of war with Iraq”


    From the Wikipedia, a fair attempt at a balanced review of the situation. Essentially, you either believe Iraq is a sufficient threat for us to respond to, or you don’t. I find it interesting that we’ve been involved with other countries without much reprisal, but when we chose to act in something that actually is in our national interests, then that’s perceived as wrong.

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