A note and a thought for today

NOTE: While some weblogs may update daily, I’m going to limit it to at least twice a week. This is because quality matters to me, and I’d rather write decent stuff than mindless filler (note: some people would say the entire thing is mindless filler, YMMV).

Today is Valentine’s day. It also marks the 9.5 year anniversary for Laureen and me. Believe it or not, our wedding date was chosen for two reasons:
1. It was inbetween our birthdays, so we would technically be the same age when we married.
2. It had a cool half-anniversary.

Our relationship isn’t perfect–no relationship is. But it’s the only one I’d choose to be in, no matter what has happened or is yet to happen. We’ve been through all sorts of drama — health issues, mental health issues, moving into a house, losing jobs, finding new ones…. About the only goal that is left is to have kids, and I’m just not quite yet sure when that will happen. We get told a lot that we would be great parents, but I don’t know. I have the typical pre-parental attitude toward children I see (and tell me if you didn’t say this once or twice before you had kids): “My child isn’t going to behave like that.” “We’ll do that better.” “We’ll just chain them to the bed and things will be okay.”

Well, maybe not that last one.

(Time period of 2.5 hours elapses as Kevin struggles to get “real work” done.)

Thought: do most women plan on wearing something red on Valentine’s day? Or is it a wake-up morning realization that “oh, red would fit the day.” The interesting argument that I was involved in revolved around that women may indeed be wearing red clothing, but it’s just not a visible layer…


4 replies on “A note and a thought for today”

  1. Although tardy with my comments, the sentiments are still the same. Congrats on the 9.5 year anniversary, and happy Valentine’s day – you know, from my "heart". Love you both! P.S. – as for me wearing red clothing on Valentine’s day…wouldn’t you like to know??!!(ok, maybe you wouldn’t) Only your brother knows for sure. -wink 😉 wink-

  2. You know that comment about how children may be raised—is there something you haven’t told me? Perhaps I just imagined that you were a great kid with cute chubby cheeks and fangs. Was there an alter-child hiding in the shadows? I really thought I (we) did a pretty good job. I will love you no matter what! Mom

  3. Gee, thanks, family 🙂 Mom, you did a great job raising both of us. I’m just reminiscing about some other attitudes I’ve heard, not experienced.

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