Coming and going home

This last weekend was an interesting one. Saturday, I went over to Ft. Worth to spend the night at my parents’ house because Sunday we were driving to Oklahoma for my step-grandfather’s 80th birthday party.For those of you living in the Dallas area who travel north on 35: AAAAAAAGHH! There is pretty massive southbound construction just north of Denton, and it makes travel back into the metroplex a joy.

Sunday: we leave at 9:00 a.m., get up there by 12:30, go to the party, attempt to fix one of my aunt and uncle’s computers, and leave OK around 5:15. We get back to Ft. Worth at 9:45. Then I still get to drive an hour plus change over to Dallas.

I have to admit, there is something undeniably comforting about cresting the 635/35-E interchange going East into Dallas. Prior to that, it’s relatively city-free. However, once you hit that hill, here come the car dealerships, the warehouses, the big office buildings. Here’s Dallas. And strangely enough, after 10 years of living here, I feel like it’s home. It’s where I am. It’s where my wife is. It’s where our house is. We fit there.

Of course, Laureen’s a country girl (she grew up on 105 acres of cattle raisin’ country NE of San Antonio), and she’d prefer a place where you can see the stars at night without the interference of the lights of the nearby Supermarket.

However, as for right now, this is where I am.

3 replies on “Coming and going home”

  1. Sounds like a very zen attitude. Have you thought about becoming a buddist? I hear they’re all the rage in Texas now. Something about the cowboy hat with the head knot hanging out of it. Can you say "Om" with a twang?

  2. I didn’t know that the seats sat up in a straight up and down position as much as they do. I am so sorry that both of you boys were not very comfortable, next time maybe we can stay home and THEY (i.e. people up north) can come down here and party. Maybe we could meet them in Denton that way it would not be a drive all the the way to F.Worth and we wouldn’t have to clean the house and they would be 30 minutes closer back to Oklahoma. P.S. tell the better half I have found a new way to spell texres. Its tEXISS not bad for an old dog .later dude dad

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