Oh the times, they are a changing…

Hi there.

Brief update:
Laureen has accepted a job next year with Garland ISD teaching in their alternative high school. This marks the end of her tenure at Hood Middle School in Dallas.

The move came about suddenly, but it seems to be a fit that answers prayers. Less of a drive, more discipline and support in the administration, a variety of subjects, and smaller class sizes (maximum of 12).

I’m going through a little nasty bit of depression right now. All I want to do is go back to bed, even though I don’t sleep well.

Gotta run. Work is picking up, and being busy is better than doing nothing.

4 replies on “Oh the times, they are a changing…”

  1. I can’t spell hallelujah ( okay, I asked someone!), but I will shout that. I am so glad for you sweet daughter of mine. Isn’t there a place in the Bible that implores us to seek and we will find. God love you both, Mom J

    By the way, thank you for the lovely cross necklace. It is a real treasure, just like you!

  2. Congratulations, Laureen! I got a new job myself this week, working for Flextronics. And a nice boost from what I was making at Applied. I also like my new boss, also a step up from Applied. So a great deal for us both.
    I’m also glad to hear there are still some teaching jobs in Texas. In California, they’re laying off teachers because we have a budget deficit. Go figure. I think everyone’s pet projects got funded in the boom times, and now cutting it all back is just a little too hard. Anyway, probably won’t get back to Texas until Labor Day, any chance you will be in Houston then?
    By the way, Kevin, I have only four words for you: better living through chemistry. Go to your doctor, take some horse pill size Prozac or Zoloft, and feel good about the world again. Good luck with it all, and i’ll talk to you soon.

  3. Actually, Bill, there are some attritional cuts taking place in some school districts. I take pills already. My prescription has changed, and so I’m a bit goofed up right now. Of course, no one notices that.

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