Catching up

Well, we’ve found a way to take care of the A/C and reshuffle our debts a bit, so we’re OK for now. However, the bigger long-term issues still apply.

The things I need to focus on are:

1. Tracking spending. I don’t do this reliably.

2. Setting a budget AND STICKING TO IT.

3. Reducing the amount of stuff that occupies my mind and my house.

Jessie’s way too cute for her own good. She’s talking a lot these days, trying hard to make herself understood. She’s just at that threshold where she can say some things very clearly, but she has her own words for other things, and we’re spending a lot of time trying to interpret what she says.

Jacob is coming home from Haslet today. He should be full of vim and vigor. He’s apparently been “fantastic”, but he’s definitely not “full of bull”… the stuff that kid learns.